The Cruel Sea

Idyllic, isn’t it?

Your business is just where you want it to be.

You’ve steered your ship to the place you want, you’re happy with the team you’ve built and now you want to keep the business just as it is. Nothing needs to change and it’s time to rest and relax.

Be very careful.

The tides of business are constantly moving, taking your business with them wherever they will flow. If you don’t keep control and be mindfully preparing for what may lie ahead, then while you’re gazing at the beautiful blue sky above you, you may get caught unawares by the tanker that is just out of your sight or the storms that are forming on the horizon,

Make Hay While The Sun Shines

A good ship’s crew would be taking this time of calm to repair the canvas, scrub the decks, look to the ship’s maintenance and even sections that could be improved, all in preparation for the storms that will inevitably come. With that in mind, below are some actions you should be taking whilst your sea is calm, so that you’re prepared for when it isn’t:

  1. Ensuring that your marketing is working well now, filling your pipeline for those stormy times ahead. Just as recent pandemics and lockdowns caught out many businesses, you need to be prepared for any type of storm ahead and your business needs a great flow of prospects.

  2. Thinking about your existing customers, to see whether you’re providing everything you can to help them to grow. Taking the time to talk to them and to understand their needs will bring dividends to your business in the future.

  3. Exploring ways of creating new products or services that will bring more revenue into your business, either through different income streams or the expansion of existing ones.

  4. Evaluating your team and ensuring they are as skilled as they can be in their existing roles or for new roles you may want them to take on. Creating a strong, resilient team is essential for your future and through the attention you give them now, you create loyalty for the future.

  5. Making repairs to and improving the environment around you, that will attract new staff into your business. There are disillusioned staff everywhere you look currently who may have the exact skills that you want in your business.

  6. Analysing the systems you have in place, to ensure they are all working seamlessly together without any breakdown in information or data gathering that you may need for future expansion.

  7. Taking stock of your business to see where changes can be made, to improve, enhance and even automate the processes you currently use. Technology is still advancing at a great pace and there could be many ways it can be utilised to increase your business efficiency.

These are just some of the areas to consider when strengthening your business but there will always be more. One thing that can be guaranteed, (apart from death and taxes), is change and currently, that wind of change may not seem to be doing much good for many. The economy, current politics, and environmental upheaval can all be blamed but the blame for not taking measure to strengthen your business for that change can only be placed at your feet.

Its All About Preparing For The Bad Times In The Good Times

We help many businesses to create the resilience they need for the future and we give experienced insight that you won’t find on the internet, that we’ve amassed over the years helping small businesses like yours.

From helping with analysing those areas that need strengthening, creating a plan to implement those changes, creating dynamic teams that will drive your business forward, to the understanding of how technology can be adopted to improve every area of your business, such as communication, processes, systems, research and development.

We can help you find the best ways to sail through those inevitable storms ahead to arrive at the destination you want, as safely as possible.

We hope this checklist gives you an idea of where to start but if you’re struggling with any of that, give us a call us and we can help you find the areas you specifically need your attention. By focusing on them, you will keep your business not just afloat by driving though that sea of change.

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Press the button to connect with us so that we can start working together.

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