A Clear and Present Danger?

One of the most dangerous Demons that you will face as a business owner is Inhibitor.

This demon deliberately stands in the way of new ideas, new beliefs and new thinking that could create better profits and more prosperity in your business and instead, leads you down the road of eventual ruin. A clear and present danger to any shoots of growth.

So why did you start your business ?

Our guess is that you started your business because you wanted to create more wealth for you and your family, give yourself the freedom to be able to spend that wealth and by doing so, make your life more enjoyable and prosperous. For that all to happen, it’s very likely you need your business to grow from where it is now.

Where does the inhibitor come into the picture ?

The Inhibitor demon stops that in its tracks, trampling on any ideas you may have of building your world domination with thinking like this;

I don’t want to build my business; I’m happy how I am.
This is, more often than not, a recipe for disaster. As we know in business, there are only two trends. An upwards curve of growth or a downward arc of decline. This kind of thinking will keep you on the downward arc of decline, which steepens over time.

I can manage on my own.
Manage what, precisely? If it’s company growth, then that is unlikely. You have introduced a ceiling on how much you can grow because there is only so much you can manage and deliver. It will also take all your time, so what you won’t manage is to find the time to enjoy the profits, take time with your family and have a life…at all.

More people just mean more complications.
Yes, it probably does if you are in in complete disarray, chasing your tail the whole time without any systems, processes, job descriptions or company structure. In that case, trying to manage more people will lead to chaos. By taking the time to start planning and running your business as an organisation and not your individual empire of one, then this need not be the case. If you want a grown-up business, then you need to become a grown-up business owner.

It’s just too much hassle to take on staff
Let’s be serious here. You will not be skilled at everything. Once you start identifying areas where you know you lack the skill required for a particular business role, then you know where you need to help. Whether it be a staff member or a contractor, once you start delegating those tasks to someone who loves doing them, then the distractions and hassle will start to clear, and you may even find your life becomes easier.

Taking on staff is so expensive…
It probably will be if you’re planning to start paying them a full year’s salary on the first month. (We hope you’re not, by the way. That would be suicide.) Yes, there will be initial cost with taking anyone on so you could start with using contractors instead of employing staff. They will be a more cost-effective option for you in the short-term and will also help you test and develop the role, to make sure you have got it right. Once that role has been proven to help the business generate more turnover and profit, you will then understand how that new person can not only pay for themselves but create more income than you’re currently generating.

So how do we beat the inhibitor ?

The Inhibitor Business Demon can be beaten and ultimately vanquished but it is very difficult to see how it is working when you are on your own. With the right help and support, you can start fighting back until you eventually disarm it completely. With our knowledge of Inhibitor, we can support you to first identify it and then equip you with the weapons you need to vanquish this Business Demon.

Want to know more ?

Call us on +44 (0) 1373 837 331 or email us at info@be-astute.co.uk to see how we can help you vanquish Inhibitor, remove the clear and present danger in your business and lift you up onto that growth curve.

Mark : November 2022