How to make a successful start to your recruitment campaign

You’ve just taken on the task of recruiting your first person and now the thought is giving you nagging worries. How can you make sure that you get the right person and not one that will create a living hell for you?

To start the recruitment process well, preparation is paramount.

Abraham Lincoln was quoted as saying

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” He knew that there is nothing so valuable as being as prepared as possible for the task at hand.

When it comes to recruiting the right person, that preparation starts with honing a fantastic Job Description. Getting that right does take time and effort but just like sharpening the axe, it is essential for success. Understanding those elements that make a successful candidate is crucial.



Behaviours spring from those values so getting an insight into how they behave on a daily basis, in different situations, is a great way to assess that. You also need to understand that, when someone is interviewed, you often only get the impressions they want to give, and not always the openness you’re looking for. Using a great behavioural assessment diagnostic really helps uncover their true character.


Knowing the set of skills that are essential they must have to fill the role is also key. The listing should start with absolute essential capabilities, then the knowledge that serve them well in the role, and finally those skills that are nice to have. It’s unlikely that the candidates will have all the attributes you want so you must consider those on which you’re willing to compromise.



Character traits, values and behaviours should be top of that list. They are not attributes that can be taught but are essential if you are recruiting someone to work in a team, on their own initiative or both.

Their character is defined by their values, so you need to know the values they hold to be sure they will fit with your company culture.


You need to also be clear on the experience that you would like the candidate to have and the previous roles that would complement the position that you want to fill.


 Make sure the Job Description reflects the current working practices, especially around the use of IT and communication. You need to be aware of the projects are currently in progress or just over the horizon that will need to be included or may affect the rile in the future.

If the role is cross functional, ensure that all the stakeholders have had their input to this document. It needs to be constantly reviewed and updated, as not doing so could lead to employing someone who is not suited to the role and become a costly mistake.


Recruitment Heaven

If this sounds like a minefield, then our next workshop is exactly what you need. In this recruitment training, we’ll cover:

• Job Descriptions and how you can write an amazing one;
• The interviewing skills that will help you to become a master of the art;
• How best to assess knowledge, skills, behaviour and attitude;
• How you can ensure you get a great cultural fit;
• How to find those great people that will love the work and you will love to manage.

What do you get?

• You’ll be assessed using the state-of-the-art psychometric tool Harrison Assessments to support our training delivery, so it is relevant to you. It also enables you to see the diagnostic in action, so you can see the insight it provides.
• A whole day’s on-line training, guidance and interactive sessions so you can put your learning into practice.
• A 30 minute 1-1 de-brief and follow up session, to give the best support and ensure that the training has successfully complimented your recruitment process.


The workshop is called ‘Recruitment Heaven’ and is being held on Tuesday 20th September, from 10 am to 4 pm. It is designed to give you the skills and knowledge to successfully recruit the amazing staff that will drive your business forward.

Early bird charge is £249 + VAT which runs until Friday 28th July, when t will rise to £349 + VAT.

We’d love to help you reach your Recruitment Heaven and become a recruiting genius. To find out more get in touch.

Bill/Mark/Julia July 2022

Bill Stock