The 5 Things Business Owners Are Most Afraid Of When Recruiting

Recruitment can look very scary to you from when you first look into the box.

There will also be many who will warn you away from even opening the lid. However, unlike the evil spirits that Pandora unwittingly unleashed, this box can unleash the potential to hire staff you need to massively transform your business. You’ve probably heard from many that employing staff as just asking for more problems. However, with the right skills and tools, they could create your heaven.

As Jim Rohn said,

“don’t wish for less problems, wish for more skills.”

Below are the 5 biggest fears Business Owners and Directors have when it comes to recruitment and how, with some thought put into action, you can vanquish those recruitment demons.


Number One - Do I have the expertise to recruit the right person?

If your new to recruitment, you may feel that you don’t have the expertise to successfully interview and find the right person. That’s fine as, like learning any other new skill, you only improve through guided practice.
Take the time to look around from some good quality training, that will not only provide the skills but also help you to practice them.

Number Two - Do I have the patience?

You may have heard people moaning about the length of time it takes.

Like anything, the better organised and more efficient you are, the less time it will take. Have a look at your own recruitment process to see where it can be streamlined. Take the time to research others and look for training organisations that help with exactly that, speeding up the process so you can hire people more quickly.

Number Three - What about the cost?

Firstly, it’s not a cost. It’s an investment.

When you hire the right people, you will see a return on your money as they will expand your capacity to be more productive.
Secondly, what about the cost of not recruiting a team? You are instantly capping the profit you can make because you only have a finite amount of time. By recruiting your team to work with you and develop your business, you’re investing in your company’s growth and prosperity.

Number Four - What if I can’t pay them?

You don’t need to have the whole year’s salary set aside, only a few months.

If you don’t expect them to generate more profit than their salary, then you need to rethink your job descriptions, expected outcomes and your reason for recruiting them.

Number Five - I’m not a manager.

Really? You manage yourself every day.

You manage your business and all your different types of relationships. We are all managers in one way or another. The difference with a team is that you are widening the scope of those people you have to manage. A good quality training provider will help you become a more skilled and confident in managing and a good HR provider will give you the legal aspects that need to be considered when managing a team.

To Conclude

Recruitment is not something to fear and finding the right training and support will give you the confidence to build the right teams you need to make your organisation grow.

 As Henry Ford quoted,

"If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself."

Bill/Mark July 2022

Bill Stock