How Do I Speed Up My Recruitment Process ?

The process of recruiting the right talent can sometimes seem slower than a glacier’s progress. There are a multitude of reasons for this; poorly written job adverts, ineffective interviewing processes and unrealistic expectations of candidates are some of them. However, the main reason is procrastination, which we’ve encountered in every recruitment step in some companies.

So how can you speed up the process, so that you are sweeping up the best talent and not losing them to someone else due to your procedural delays?

Let’s be realistic, recruiting staff is a process that demands your time and care to get right but there are steps that you can take to eliminate doubts at each step and make the whole process slicker.

Of course, if you don’t have a mapped out process or it is sketchy at best, then putting one into place is the first place to start, something we can help with just as we have helped many companies with.

If you already have but are frustrated with the length of time your recruitment process takes, here are 7 action steps that may help you create a more efficient system.

Keep those job descriptions live.

The job description is a living document and should be constantly updated to reflect exact requirements of the role. Keeping these alive ensures they are fresh and saves time when you need to recruit. Regular reviews involving all the stakeholders, especially the person in the role not only keep these updated but also makes sure they are reflecting the role accurately.

The last thing you need to be doing is starting your recruitment process with writing out a new one, unless this is for a new role.

Make your job ad laser specific.

To get the right talent interested, the job ad information must be accurate, specific and concise. Job responsibilities, education and experience requirements must all be listed, as well as the qualities of the candidate you’re looking for.

Just like any other ad, you are selling your company to them as a great environment to work in, so make the copy persuasive, illustrating your corporate values and culture. You should also ensure that the language in the ad is likely to attract the right personality type.

Are you looking for a risk taker or a methodical researcher? In both cases, the words and language you use matter.

Automate the hiring process where possible.

Automation can help to speed up the process and utilising an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) will help you perform a number of tasks with ease. However, make sure you stay in control of the process as when you’re busy, it’s too easy to let the system take the strain, which can sometimes lead to other challenges.

A good ATS helps you track the candidate’s application status, prompt them to take relevant pre-employment tests, such as Harrison Assessments that Be Astute support , an excellent talent assessment tool, and keep your process organised, therefore helping you to develop shortlists of suitable candidates.

Advertise on a variety of platforms.

Just like in marketing, you need to take the time to understand where your likely candidates are likely to be. Think about the social media platforms would they use, or the physical media might they read.

Limiting your recruiting efforts to a single channel will likely reduce the amount of applications you receive for a position, which could slow down your hiring process as a result. Also, if you are looking for someone who is innovative, then advertising outside the regular job boards may attract their attention and place you above your competitors. Put the job openings on your company website and ask for employee referrals, to help fill open positions faster.

Track all channels used for the responses you receive because this will give you insights into where you are finding the most qualified candidates.

Communication is Key.

If you don’t want your top candidates swept away by another company after your initial interviews, keep communication with them. Keep it consistent, timely, and transparent, so they stay interested. If you want commitment from them, you must lead by example.

Always expect that they will taking other interviews and don’t kid yourself that your company is the only one they are looking at. By constantly keeping in touch with them, they may be more willing to wait for the next steps in your process.

Remember that you’ve already invested time, effort and cost to find them so don’t let them slip away by your lack of attention.

Get your reference data early in the process.

Getting references and checking them can take can add a time delay into your recruitment process, once you’ve identified your shortlist, get this step underway. Doing this not only shortens the process but enable you to get back to the candidate with news, helping to retain their interest in the process.

This is also a good point to start putting in place your talent, character and behavioural screening process started. Sending out these surveys is also another point of engagement with them and the quicker you do this, the quicker you will get the results. This helps you to make an even more informed, data driven decision about who you want to take into the next step of the process.

Checking references can take up to a week. It’s a good idea to start as soon as you have identified your shortlist of candidates. This will not only shorten the hiring process, but also allow you to get back to candidates quickly and help retain their interest in the position.

Recruitment Heaven

That’s it, and putting these in place will help not only save you time but also help you become better at attracting the talent your company needs to keep ahead of it’s competitors.

We have had great success working with companies, just like you, create an efficient, cost effective recruitment process that helps them attract the quality candidates they are looking for.

On Tuesday 20th September, we are delivering one of our Recruitment training courses online called ‘Recruitment Heaven’ via Zoom. It starts at 10 am and runs until 4 pm and covers talent acquisition, effective recruitment strategies and best recruitment practices, tailored to you and your company needs. The Early Bird price in £249 + VAT for a full day of inclusive recruitment training, so a real bargain. Hit the button below to find out more.

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