What GAINS are you making in your business ?

It’s easy to think the walls are closing in on you, as the press and social media are having a field day with reporting all that is currently happening here in Blighty. If you allow it, that negative spin can start pulling you down into the abyss gloom and despair.

But we are not doomed!

The world continues to turn in its inimitable fashion and while other business owners may seem to be quaking in their boots and taking their eye of the ball, now is the time you can make those GAINS count and leave your competitors behind.

So, what are these GAINS? Read on for enlightenment.


If you are not first setting them and then looking at them every day, you are likely to be wandering off track.

 As an archer or darts player will tell you, when you spend time focusing on that bullseye, it seems to grow larger and easier to hit. They spend hours everyday, training themselves to hit the areas they want on the target.

 Are you doing the same?

 If not, you need to be, which nicely brings me onto the next step.


The only places you should be focusing your attention on in your business is those goals that you’ve set yourself.

 You know life will always be clamouring to pull your attention away and sometimes, it’s unavoidable. However, you can combat that by setting apart periods of your day, 60 to 90 minutes when you will focus your attention on working towards one of your goals.

Set yourself just 3 of those per day and you’ll be amazed at how much you can achieve.


Now you’ve set your Attention Time, (yes they are important enough to warrant capitals), you need to be implementing something.

 Make those phone calls, write those emails, plan your next campaign if you must but do whatever needs to be done to march you closer to those goals you’ve set. Be careful of continual planning with no action because the graveyard of business failures is full of them.


You’ll never get the perfect outcome from the action you’ve taken. There are always ways that your implementation could be improved. Take the time to dump your thoughts, whatever your preferred medium is, and notate the areas in the process that could have been improved.

 Don’t keep all those thoughts in your head because as soon as the next call for your attention comes along, they’ll be forgotten.

Then those notes become your blueprints for change, so you can be continually improving your process and your business in an upward spiral of success.


It’s through review and implementing of the changes in your notations that you will strengthen your business and your teams.

 Your teams will be full of ideas of how your business could be improved, so involve them. Working together, you’ll find ways to not only improve but come up with new, innovative ideas for new products, services and process.

 Create your own mastermind within your own business. It doesn’t have to be formal just ensure it works to an agenda. You’ll be amazed at the level of thinking and problem solving that come from it.

From your Strengthening sessions will come new ideas and new goals to be set.

So the upwards spiral continues and you continue to make GAINS in your business.

If you want to know how to start the virtuous upward spiral and what you might be able to achieve get in touch.

Or better still take the quiz and tell us all about the aspirations you have for your business.

Bill/Mark : September 2022