On the importance of not trying to eat the whole Elephant at once

The great beauty of writing these blogs is it gives you the opportunity to read a whole load of background material to support the ideas you are trying to put across.

I’ve been using the elephant eating scenario for a while now but I had no idea I was quoting Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

I just though it was a random expression that someone thought up for a seminar one day.

Anyway; to quote Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

“there is only one way to eat an elephant: a bite at a time”

It does make more sense when you know where the quote comes from.

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Is your digital marketing strategy really helping you hit your targets?

The answer to that question depends on how well you are tracking the performance of all of your marketing activity, and if you are happy with the overall results.

Lots of businesses do not have a great set of sales KPIs – those pesky targets and numbers which show you how well you are doing at driving business performance, and which give you an early warning system – either of the need to try harder, change direction, or add more resources to the operations side to deal with an increase in demand. And without these targets, it becomes harder to evaluate how well any of your marketing strands are performing – we tend to look at the problem globally.

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Are you thinking about how easy it is for people to consume your websites content ?

So I’m approaching the end of another week of working in partnership with Snook Digital.

We, with luck, will have two customer websites going live next week which is in itself very exciting. But what’s more interesting is the difference in style and format that the two clients have adopted; and how that is influenced by the potential consumers of the websites content.

Back in the day the directors at Be Astute were responsible for running a large work based learning provider; how people learn and consume information is very much in the Be Astute DNA.

So here’s something to contemplate on a Friday. How appropriate is your website for your target market ?

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